Our local parish is ‘The Parish of Blessed Nicholas Postgate Redcar, incorporating the churches of Sacred Heart, St Augustine and St Bede’s together with the former communities of St Williams and St Alban’.

We share many links with our local parish.  The parish is very supportive of events in school and we like to get involved in parish events too.

To find out information on Mass times for Sacred Heart and St Augustine, please click the links below.

Sacred Heart Mass Times

St Augustine Mass Times 

Parish Priest: Fr P Cunnah – Tel: 01642 292552

Deacon: Rev Len Collings

All are welcome to join in the following regular parish activities:

Children’s Liturgy Group – All parents are invited to take their children along to the Children’s Liturgy Groups which take place at both Sunday Masses in the Parish. The children hear a simplified version of the Gospel and talk about what it means.

Rosary & Prayer – Monday – Saturday, Rosary 35 minutes before Mass followed by Morning or Evening Prayer 15 minutes before Mass.

Scripture Study Group – Every Monday, 7:30pm in St Augustine’s Sacristy.

Legion of Mary – The Legion are regular visitors to school in May and October, the months of Our Lady.   They meet every Tuesday at 10:15am in Sacred Heart Sacristy.

Prayer Group – Every Thursday at 7pm in St Augustine’s Sacristy.

Holy Hours for Vocations – Every Friday at 10am at St Augustine’s and Saturday at 10am at Sacred Heart.