St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School is delighted to announce that from September 2021, it will continue to offer 30 hours tax free childcare.

Eligibility is available for parents on the HMRC 30 hours free childcare website. Please click on this link to check your eligibility.

If you are eligible, please follow the steps carefully and once completed, you will be given a 11-digit validation code.

You will then need to bring the validation code, your national insurance number and your child’s birth certificate to the school office. Your eligibility will then be verified with the Local Authority. Each child that qualifies is entitled to 30 hours per week tax free childcare. Please note that we are only able to confirm the offer of a 30-hour place once we (school) have verified the eligibility code provided by HMRC.

 The 30 hours tax free childcare will be available for your child from the term after their 3rd birthday.

The 30 hours provision does not cover lunchtime supervision therefore we will be charging £2.70 per day for lunchtime supervision with the additional cost of a school dinner £2.40 per day. Alternatively, you can provide your child with a healthy packed lunch. School lunches and lunchtime supervision needs to be paid in advance via Parent Pay.