Meet our chaplaincy team, led by  Mrs Dickinson, Mrs Young and Mrs Gardner.

The chaplaincy has a pastoral role within school supporting both staff and children.   It is made up of members of teaching staff, non-teaching staff, governors, members of the parish and the parish priest of The Blessed Nicholas Postgate. The chaplaincy team is supported by a group of Mini Vinnies from throughout KS2.

Chaplaincy Aims

  • Supporting the school in its delivery of spirituality, worship and prayer with a particular emphasis on Christianity.
  • Closer links developed between School, Home, Parish and Communities both local and national by the service of staff and pupils within St Benedict’s.
  • Mini Vinnies established and playing a key role in the Catholic Life of the School.
  • Children recognise how they are ‘Called to Serve’ in a variety of ways throughout the year.
  • Working in other areas of the school community as need and opportunity arises and as skills and expertise allow.
  • Offering opportunities to explore personal and Christian belief and values.

Our Prayer Garden/Prayer Space

We have a dedicated Prayer Garden and Prayer Space that are used by the whole school for collective worship and quiet reflection.